PS/IS 686 | Brooklyn, NY

Grade 7: Guided tour of Stuyvesant High School

Dear 7th Grade Families,

7th Graders will be attending a guided tour of Stuyvesant High School on Tuesday, April 25, 2017. Students will explore the school in an interactive guided tour with Stuy students and attend an information session in their theater. We will be traveling by school bus, leaving the school by 9:30 and returning by 1:30. The field trip permission slips are coming home today via your child’s backpack.

Please return permission slips as soon as possible. If you would like to attend as a chaperone, please initial the form in the chaperone section. We need 1 parent chaperone per class.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please contact me.
All the Best,


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