PS/IS 686 | Brooklyn, NY

Class 102, March Parent-Teacher Conferences.

Dear 102 Parents,

It’s hard to believe that it’s March! As I reflect on the growth of our students I can’t help, but feel proud. Your children are limitless and NOTHING will ever stop them from achieving their goals, as long as they put in the dedication, the continuous effort and persistence, and have the belief in their heart and mind that “I can do this” I will say that one more time – NOTHING (no barrier, no obstacle, no person) can stop you from growing, if you want to grow!  I encourage you to encourage your children to continue to build his/her confidence: a growth mindset, resilience, reasoning, language and listening for understanding abilities. I encourage you to notice and name, and praise their efforts only! The power of learning and doing, feeling and being is profoundly limitless. I feel grateful to be able to collaborate with you all, as my partners this year. It was a pleasure meeting with you all at Parent-Teacher Conferences this evening. Your children are the reflection of us! They have wild imaginations and strong personalities. May we continue to nurture their talents and gifts, and inspire their creative spirits.

It’s hard to capture all the effervescent plethora of magic that happens in our classroom on a daily basis, but here are a few snapshots below to give you a glimpse. Our community, our culture of thinking continues to grow and shine, play and question, research and write, think and reason, create and laugh, feel and be…via our daily learning experiences.

More about our current inquiries in the next blog post.  Happy Friday!


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