PS/IS 686 | Brooklyn, NY

NY’s Geography. Why does it matter?

Dear Parents,

This week we began our study of NY’s geography.  We traced and sketched maps of NY.  We included major cities, rivers, lakes, mountain ranges and the capital.  Below is a color version of the map your child will receive and it should be kept in their binder for reference. Your child should begin to be familiar with these features.  (*I made mistake and said that there would be a quiz at the end of this week on my last blog.  I actually meant at the end of this month.  My apologies.)

Screen shot 2017-09-18 at 3.51.09 PMWe began working on our self portraits.  The class used felt, buttons, sequins, yarn etc to create a unique depiction of themselves.  I can’t wait to show them to you when they are complete!  If you have old magazines please send them in.  They are great to use for this collage project.  Also, If you can get us a couple bottles of liquid Elmer’s glue that would be greatly appreciated.  (Ms. Nanna is waiting for an order.)

Next week, we are integrating science content into our study of NY State.  We will research specific habitats of animals that are found in NY’s deciduous forests, marshes, ponds, meadows etc.  In SS, we will read a quote from an European explorer who witnessed Manhattan Island for the first time.  Sadly, the nature that was prevalent 400 hundred years ago is no longer present.  This is an awesome web site that shows how NYC would have been like back then.   Check it out!  

Welikia Project


  • Could you kindly have your child bring in their binder on Monday.  We will organize it and label the tabs together in class.
  • Going forward I will be checking their writing NB entries every Wednesday, starting October 4th.  They only need 2 entries by then.  I did check their HW today and there were a lot of people who did not do it.  Hopefully, when we get into the swing of things that will change.
  • Thank you for sending back your child’s behavior grade with you signature on it.  I have seen a remarkable change in their behavior.  Thank you.
  • School Loop doesn’t seem to be up and running yet.  Be patient.  It takes a lot of time to input all of the student’s names.
  • I think we have worked out most of the kinks in using ReadWorks.  The written answers will be graded by the end of the day.  Generally, most students need to be more specific with their evidence.  In addition, I am only accepting answers that are written as complete sentences.

Have a great weekend and for those who are celebrating, Happy New Year!




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