PS/IS 686 | Brooklyn, NY

Dance Room Update! 1/11/19

The kindergarten students continue to explore the movement concept of direction.  Next week they will be creating ABC dances and sharing with their classes. First graders are exploring the idea of focus and how movement might be affected when adding this element. Students are taking part in different movement activities to become familiar with single and multi-focal points. The second grade is studying World Cultural Celebrations. These dancers are learning about how different communities around the world celebrate cultural traditions. They will be working in small groups to brainstorm movement based on their global celebration.

In third grade, the dancers have started a new unit examining the parts and functions of a plant. This week, dancers are working in small groups to develop movement inspired by their plant part. Fourth graders have begun a World Cultural Folk Dance unit. On Monday and Tuesday they tackled the Bachata, Merengue, Mambo, Salsa and the Cha Cha. Students will continue to learn about the history and origins of Latin Dance as they explore the various technical skills associated with that culture. Our fifth grade students are thinking about what movement tools are used to create dances from words. These students are using poems as starting points for dance composition.

The fifth grade dance elective students are in their final improvisational project. These students are working in small groups to create a two-minute dance that includes specific movement criteria. They are learning about collaboration and teamwork as they plan this structured improvisation. And finally, our middle school dancers are studying the different spaces we use in class. They are creating original works utilizing loco-motor, axial and technical dance movements.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Ms. Diane

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